What to expect in First Grade
In first grade, our goal is to provide an atmosphere of high expectations, challenging curriculum, and generous support so that each student achieves success and develops a life-long love of learning.
Chapel is once a week. Enrichment classes with specialized teachers include music and Spanish twice a week. Students visit the library to read and check out books regularly, and participate in computer class once a week. Students also have art class every week and P.E. regularly.
Our reading program bolsters strategic reading skills through the use of a balanced literacy program with emphasis on guided reading. Stories are rich in cross-curriculum connections and easily tie–in with other core subjects. The reading program integrates well with grammar and writing subjects.
Outside reading is encouraged through the Accelerated Reader program, which builds fluency and comprehension. Sadlier Phonics is also used—it’s an innovative program that introduces a solid vocabulary and employs a unique series of coding and spelling rules that quickly allow students to grasp reading concepts.
Our Language Arts curriculum includes: writer’s workshops where students write and publish stories, books and poems. Students study different genres of literature to include fiction, non-fiction and poetry. The children will use Sitton Spelling, a program that ensures a student’s transfer of spelling skills through the mastery of high frequency words, a focus on proofreading accountability and discovery of spelling skills via word collection and analysis. Students complete monthly literacy projects.
Teacher read-alouds may include: The Magic Treehouse series, Charlotte’s Web, books by Cynthia Rylant and Kevin Henkes, and theme-based picture books. Children may read poetry from: Robert Frost, Toasting Marshmallows, BrodBagert, and other poems.
Math skills are sharpened through Saxon Math Grade 2.
Daily lessons include problem solving practice in the areas of patterns, geometry, comparing and ordering numbers, understanding addition and subtraction, and five and ten relationships.
Students will explore many concepts in Harcourt Social Studies, including: Native Americans before 1860 early North American explorers, pilgrims and colonial life in America the American Revolution famous Presidents, citizenship and Texas History using the Harcourt Social Studies book.
Our topics for Science will be: cold blooded and warm blooded animals, the food pyramid, environmental sciences, weather, insects and rain forests and endangered animals. Students will also participate in the Science Fair.
Exciting field trips and programs may include: the Pumpkin Patch & Corn Maze, the El Paso Zoo, music programs at UTEP, Rodeo Day, and Christmas and Spring musicals.
Elementary School & Middle School

Address: 5005 Love Rd, El Paso, TX 79922
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Phone: (915) 581-2032

Address: 5257 Charl Ann, El Paso, TX 79932
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Phone: (915) 875-8285